Thursday, December 6, 2007

New Site!!!!!

I will not be posting to the google one in the future..

Here is the link for my New Blog and Video & Audio Podcasts again.

You can now download them to your iPod and iTunes and they are on YouTube too.

Friday, November 30, 2007

My New Blog website.....

Here is the link to my new Blog website with the most recent blogs. Check it out. I am now adding Video blogs daily starting in December of 2007.

For my New Blog Site and Podcasts Click Here...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Trees, Love, and Commitment! How to Love someone Forever and Ever!

Wow! It has been awhile since my last blog after I got back from Fiji. So much has happened and didn’t make the time to blog. But I just got back from meeting with one of my great friends and an amazing man, Guru Singh. Me and my beautiful wife Jenny just renewed our vows in LA with Guru Singh and he had some amazing profound things he shared with us that I felt I had to pass on to all of you. So here it is. Love does not keep a marriage or relationship together. That is why so many people go from one relationship or marriage to the next. Because they keep trying to find that love and that passion that last forever. Now I can hear some of you already saying to yourselves, “what?” “Do you mean I should just find someone and stay with them even if I don’t love them?” No, that is not what I am saying. I am saying that relationships go through seasons just like our weather. Some days its beautiful and sunny and then some days it rains. And then some days it freakn storms and all hell breaks loose. Does that remind you of any relationships you have seen? Or maybe been part of? So what does keep a marriage or relationship together? Its called commitment. When the 2 people are committed totally to each other, then they will go through the sunny times and rainy times and always come back to the sunny times of their relationship. Guru Singh said it best, he said, “Love is the flowers and the trees and the relationship or marriage is the house”. What keeps a house together? Nails! Commitment is the nails! So if you truly want the ultimate relationship then you must fully and totally commit yourself to the other person. 100% and be willing to do it forever and ever and ever. Now I’m not telling you to stay in an abusive relationship or if you just started dating someone for 6 months and you don’t feel like they are your true love, to stay with them forever. Obviously you need to use your own judgment. But I will say that, if you are, or ever were in a relationship for a few years and it didn’t feel like the passion was their anymore, it might have just been a change in that season. You might just need to wait it out and let the season change. But remember to be committed to that person and you will have the most incredible love of your life!

So until next time.

(This Blog has been blessed)

Live with Passion & Purpose!

Your friend,
Daniel Ardebili
PhD in Life!

Guru Singh (Here is his site)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Just got back from Fiji

Bula everyone. Which means hello in Fiji. So I just got back from an amazing experience with my Platinum Partners and Tony & Sage Robbins at their Namale Resort in Fiji. It was a small group of our friends on awakening your consciousness. It was a monumental moment and pretty amazing stuff. So that is why I have not been blogn in awhile. But I’m back and better than ever. This is the REAL DEAL!

Check out the Blessing (Deeksha)

Blogs mixed order?

Sorry for some reason some of my blogs are out of the correct order? After this blog they should be in the correct order.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Why Men Stare and Women dont!

When a women walks by, the man will look at the woman waiting for a sign to see if she is interested in him or not. Men will often pretend they are not looking at a woman just to show her that he is a guy that she would want to be with. I know that doesn’t make sense to the woman out there, but it is what a lot of guys do. The idea is that most men stare at women, make comments, whistle, drool, ect. So some men figure if they don’t look at the woman he is interested in and pumps his chest up, does some cool walking around her, then she will see that he is not like all the other guys and maybe give him some kind of sign that she is interested in him. This makes sense in the animal kingdom and it did thousands of years ago for us too, until we evolved. But now the world is a different place and the rules have changed, but our instincts have not changed much through evolution since we have evolved so fast in this new world. So what served us thousands of years ago doesn’t anymore. Apes and others mammals do this sort of showing off in front of the females to get their attention, and then they take their mate. Nowadays women want romance, love passion, and to be swept off their feet. Also men need to understand that woman can see on average 45 percent more peripheral vision (side to side). That means that by the time a man sees a women they are interested in, walking by in the mall or somewhere, the woman has already looked the man up and down if they were to look. So you can not look for these signs of interest.

More to come…..

Live with Passion & Purpose!

Your friend,
Daniel Ardebili
PhD in Life!

Books on the way!

Hey everyone just wanted to give you all heads up that 2 books have been completed and are at the editing table to be released in June 2007! I Finished both books at the same time!

here are the titles from "The Little Book of Secrets" Series:

The Little Black Book of Secrets
How to Attract the Woman of Your Dreams
& Keep Her!


The Little Pink Book of Secrets
How to Attract the Man of Your Dreams
& Keep Him!

I have had a lot of great feedback from the books being released. I have also had a few people tell me they are already in a relationship and don't want to attract someone else. I have written these 2 books for the purpose of attracting the person of your dreams into your life. this also means that if you are in a current relationship that it will show you how to create it into your dream relationship. there is allot of content in these books to show you how to be your lovers Love Warrior! or Love Goddess! you will learn all about men and women and a lot of fun stuff in these 2 books. I promise you will not be disappointed no matter if you are in a relationship or not. you will love these books!
Live with Passion & Purpose!
Your friend,
Daniel Ardebili
PhD in Life!